Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cool things and creativity

It has been awhile since my last post...gosh that kind of sounds like confession, how does it start; sorry readers for I have sinned, it has been 3 weeks since...Well hopefully its worth the wait.

I have been meaning to start posting something like design tips on a regular basis. Not the average, and not the most obvious tips. More unexpected ideas with lots of visuals. So be patient while I venture into more of the unknown.

MULTIPLES are eye candy for me, strong in their presentation as a display or arrangement. When I look at a grouping of multiples or a big pile, I read color first, even if its all natural or whites, and then the lines and other details of each object become clear. Finally the arrangement in its entirety surfaces for me. I love multiples.

You can always fill a shelf, a small perch or a chair with a collection of something. It represents something you like, or a place where you have been, or just fills a space. You can use just about anything. My mom has a pretty bowl on her window sill filled with taper candles that are all but burned down to a stub. All different earth tones, and very 'country'. A bit odd, but it proves my point that a grouping can be just about anything when you do all the same things.

These are so cooky; promo whistles from the 60's maybe, a guy running for some office in Chicago.

The dolls are a little creepy, and the whistles are a little goofy.

A collection of pottery flower frogs, probably 15-20 different sizes and colors but all pottery. Some of the frogs are grouped together and some are (individually) with other objects of the same or similar color. These 5 are almost all the same color. This unifies them as a grouping and helps to relate them to the things around them. The purple-pink one sets off the grouping enough, imperfect or unexpected. I hung them to allow for more flat surface area. Also you can kind of see there is something like wainscotting right under, which reinforces their linear application.

I have been a bit stir crazy waiting for Spring so I find myself creating stuff. I am starting and finishing all kind of projects with materials ranging from yarn to paper and punches, modge podge, oil crayons. Some of my finished or semi finished work include a handmade book, decopage walls, fabric scrap curtains, mini chandeliers made with tiny glass bottles instead of crystals. You name it. I have some at the shop and some at home. Some days I feel a bit spread out, but after a little bit of time focusing on one project, I am engaged in the activity yet again. I do think 'art therapy' is one of the best ways to relax, practice mindfullness, spend time with something not so positive but needs some attention.

Most of the time I am easily inspired by things around me. I recently revisited MARIMEKKO on line. Wow! Their new collection is fabulous. The pattern Purnukka is too cool, every color way. And the wine goblets! Kippis. Very Dansk- 70's. Brings back memories of my mom's collection of goblets that were ceramic rather than glass, all different but sharing one common element. Both of these prints convey my theory about multiples. And inspire me so intensly because of the use of color, the richness, and the blending of whimsy with art.

Another inspiration, an artist I recently discovered - Beatriz Milhazes. I was looking for something most likely unrelated to art and stumbled across her work. I love that she uses so much color, but also the range of color. Many of her pieces are bright and bold, the overall feeling is a comfortable balance of sophistication with a little bit of whimsy in my opinion. They look like paintings, but some actually are collage like. She did this fantastic installation in a Tube station in London. Unbelievable!

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